Power Flow Diagram

Due to the simplicity of the Motor Encoder example, a Power Flow diagram is not required. However, I’ve made an example of one for a simple system that switches on and off an IMU sensor.

Power Flow Example

Using this concept, you can expand the system by adding additional sensors and switches to toggle the power on and off. Furthermore, these are great for multi-power regulator systems by keeping things organized and by providing a visual aid.

Here’s a link to download the Power Flow Diagram.

Download the Power Flow Diagram

Here are a couple different resources that may be useful for you when trying to determine which component you would like to use to regulate voltage levels in your systems.

  1. TI - Webench Power Designer
  2. Analog - LTpowerCAD

These applications will help you find which regulator will work in your systems operating voltage, as well as what other components you may need for proper operation.

Always refer to each components datasheet. These applications don’t guarantee proper functionality for more complex ICs.