PCB Layout

Now that we’ve designed and drawn out our schematic for the system, we can begin to create our PCB board.

There are a few steps involved in this process after we’ve layed out our system schematic.

First, we have to determine the shape of our PCB board and layout some default layer pours.

Afterwards, we can begin to place the components on the PCB board.

Next, we route traces throughout our PCB board to connect all of the nets together.

Afterwards, we run our Design Rule Check (DRC) to find any errors.

Finally, we then generate our Gerber Files that are sent over to the Manufacturing house.

Simplified list:

  1. Shape & Layers
  2. Component Placement
  3. Route Traces
  4. DRC Error Check
  5. Gerber File Generation

Motor Encoder PCB - Rev 1

PCB Layout

Front 3-D View

PCB Front

Back 3-D View

PCB Back


Here’s a helpful list of links that may provide more in-depth knowledge and tips: